2023 Newsletters
GBM Announces the 2023 Green Home of the Year Awards!
Dec 28, 2023 - Green Builder Media's 2023 Green Home of the Year winners have been announced and SIPA is delighted to see this Oak Harbor, Washington residence awarded the Mainstrem Green award. The seven recognized projects are judged on several criteria, including being environmentally friendly, well constructed, energy efficient and creatively designed. It's no surprise that SIPs, a time-tested, sustainable and very resilient building envelope material, is recognized year after year. Open Newsletter
Unlocking Affordability with SIPs — Part 1 of 3
Dec 14, 2023 - Rob Howard, a seasoned expert in building science, embarked on a unique project to address workforce housing needs in Granite Falls, North Carolina, all while teaching building science at Appalachian State University. His residential development, known as Duke St. Cottages, stands out for its U.S. DOE Zero Energy Ready Home certification, making it a prime candidate for this case study. Open Newsletter
Not Just for Residential Homes — The SIP Solution
Nov 30, 2023 - With the building industry accounting for nearly 40% of the carbon created in the United States, there is no better way to impact sustainability goals than using SIPs. SIPA has pulled on the rainboots, and we are making a splash on all things commercial and multifamily. These large projects — with their tens of thousands of square feet — are where decarbonization efforts make the greatest splash of all. SIPs offer a 21st-centry approach to building. Open Newsletter
SIPs navigate the affordable housing conundrum in speed and cost-efficiency.
Nov 16, 2023 - Matt Risinger is a YouTube building and high-performance technology influencer working out of Austin, Texas. His show, The BUILD Show, is dedicated to building science and fine craftmanship bringing together the latest minds, innovations and technologies for insulation, air sealing, HVAC, framing and so much more. Risinger and Will King, owner of High Cotton Homes, recently worked together with Extreme Panel Technologies to unveil on all the advantages to building with SIPs over traditional stick framing. Open Newsletter
Build Resilience: A Solid Foundation for a Secure Future with SIPs
Nov 2, 2023 - SIPs are engineered to resist the forces of earthquakes, hurricanes and high winds, providing a secure shelter for occupants during these intense events. Not only do SIPs reinforce buildings against natural disasters, but they also align with sustainable building objectives. Prominent rating systems like LEED and Green Globes acknowledge and reward SIPs' resiliency, presenting an enticing proposition for conscientious building owners, builders and designers. Open Newsletter
Two SIP Projects Receive NAHB Awards at this Week's DC Summit
Oct 19, 2023 - The National Association of Home Builders held their annual Building Systems Housing Summit this week in DC which attracts hundreds of attendees every year. SIPA was thrilled to have SIPs included in the 3-day Systems-Built Construction 101 track introducing attendees to offsite construction methods. Furthermore, two SIP projects were later awarded the BSC Jerry Rouleau Award for Excellence in Home Design. Similar to SIPA's Building Excellence Award, this NAHB accolade has several project types with SIPs winning the panelized construction awards for 3,001-4,000 square feet homes and the multifamily categories. Open Newsletter
Architectural West Features a Second SIP Home
Oct 5, 2023 - The September/October issue of Architectural West Magazine, a design professional and builder publication offered digitally and in print, just showcased a second SIP home out of Lake Metigoshe, North Dakota. SIPA is thrilled to see this lakeside SIP residence, one mile south of the Canadian border, recognized for its high-performance building envelope. By incorporating nominal 6-inch SIP EPS walls and 12-inch EPS roofing, this house is prepared to keep the occupants comfortable year round. Open Newsletter
Join SIPA at NAHB's Building Systems Housing Summit
Sep 21, 2023 - It's that time of year when building-industry professionals begin laying down the hammer and pulling out their backpacks. The National Association of Home Builders' (NAHB) Building Systems Housing Summit is happening October 15-17 in Washington, DC. This conference is dedicated to offsite construction and provides the opportunity to meet, learn from and interact with the most successful and influential members of the industry. Top modular, panelized, concrete, log and timber frame home manufacturers and builders connect at this summit with suppliers from all over the country to network and participate in education programs. Open Newsletter
Architectural West Features SIP Berkeley Project
Sep 7, 2023 - Architectural West Magazine featured this Berkeley, California, SIP residence and all its high-performance features in their August publication. More than a demonstration of the versatility and performance benefits of SIP construction, the stunning Berkeley home shines a light on the future of building envelope design. Across the country, demand for energy-efficient, high-performance homes is higher than ever. Open Newsletter
From Lab to Labor to Living — The Excellence of SIPs.
Aug 24, 2023 - With their exceptional performance and numerous benefits, SIPs offer a solution for constructing buildings with utmost confidence — ones that are efficient, sustainable and built to last. Thoroughly backed by trusted research and third-party data, SIPs have earned their place as a superior building material. Learn more about the studies and tests conducted on building products and how SIPs perform. Open Newsletter
Longing for Sustainability: SIPs Make it Greener on the Other Side
Aug 10, 2023 - Structural insulated panels have been a leading building envelope technology for more than three decades. Despite this time-tested legacy, their innovative approach making durable and high-performance structures is sometimes dismissed as 'too good to be true'. Concerns and resistance to technology are common in any industry and SIPs are no exception. SIPA has unpacked these common misconceptions to help building professionals make the switch to a better building envelope. Open Newsletter
Here's a Game-Changer for Federally-Financed Housing Projects
Jul 27, 2023 - In an era marked by growing concerns about climate change and the urgent need for sustainable practices, the construction industry plays a crucial role in shaping a greener future. However, one significant challenge lies in the energy efficiency standards of Federally assisted housing, which often lag behind current building codes. Open Newsletter
The 2023 Environmental Product Declaration for EPS
Jul 13, 2023 - The EPS Industry Alliance recently published the 2023 environmental product declaration (EPD) for expanded polystyrene (EPS), a primary material in SIP construction. SIPs use predominatly EPS, a molded, closed-cell foam plastic insulation for its thermal performance and durability — making SIPs an extremely strong and airtight building material. EPDs are an increasingly important document for products that wish to be transparent and credible with regards to environmental stewarship and sustainability. Architects and contractors wishing to deliver an energy-efficient building are gradually relying on EPDs to identify life cycle carbon emissions for a building product and its efficacy in a changing climate. Open Newsletter
An Actionable ESG Approach for the Housing Industry
Jun 29, 2023 - Green Builder Media (GBM) recently partnered with the Housing Innovation Alliance and nearly a hundred industry leaders to create an actionable roadmap for defining and implementing ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) improvements for North American housing and community development. SIPA's Executive Director Jack Armstrong is one of those contributing experts. While local and state governments have begun tackling environmental impact and housing equity, their metrics are designed for industries much different from the builders, developers, investors, manufacturers and suppliers of buildings. Open Newsletter
SIP Building Best Practices: SIP Plumbing Now Available Online
Jun 15, 2023 - SIP BUILDING-BP10: SIP Plumbing is now available. This publication focuses on best practices for installing plumbing in a SIP building and is the first of ten deep-dive instructional booklets based on the Building with SIPs: NEED TO KNOW overview brochure. Open Newsletter
SIPs & Hurricane Preparedness Go Hand-in-Hand
Jun 1, 2023 - When a hurricane hits, 120-200 mph winds hurtle objects toward buildings with frightening consequences. That's why building materials are tested for durability and fastener strength, especially in hurricane-prone locations like Southern Florida. With June kicking off the U.S. hurricane season, it's a good reminder that SIPs pass the Hurricane Missile Impact Test, qualifying for all Florida HVHZ areas, a major accomplishment significant for a structural wall assembly. Open Newsletter
Extra! Extra! Read All About it! New Tax Credits & SIPs BLOG
May 18, 2023 - Make sure to read and bookmark SIPA's new blog, "Energy Efficiency Made Easy: Understanding New Tax Credits and Benefits of SIPs," about how SIP builders can take advantage of new and extended tax incentives included in the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). SIPs can help qualify projects for credits and rebates for new and existing commercial and residential buildings, including multifamily, public and nonprofit buildings, through sections 45L, 25C and 179D of the IRA. Open Newsletter
2023 Green Builder Sustainable Products of the Year Names Premier Building Systems #1 in Structural Category
May 4, 2023 - SIPA member Premier Building Systems is number one in the 2023 Green Builder Sustainable Products of the Year publication in the structural category. Premier Building Systems also co-shares the fourth-place position as a brand member of R-Control, which also includes SIPA members ThermaFoam and Branch River Plastics. Moreover, the top ten winning products listed under the structural category had wood or EPS foam products, with SIPs having both. Open Newsletter
Every Day is Earth Day with SIPs
Apr 20, 2023 - As a SelectSIPs newsletter subscriber and SIPs enthusiast, you know that SIPs are one of the most environmentally responsible building systems available. SIPs use less energy and emit less greenhouse gas emissions throughout the home's life cycle than stick built homes and can save 45% more CO2. The final results of a multi-year study conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Product Labs and Mississippi State University add even more sustainability SIPs proof points. This time, it is all about the durability of SIPs — an all-too-important sustainability attribute. Open Newsletter
SIPs: Prefabulous for Everyone
Apr 6, 2023 - Author Sheri Koones' newest book, Prefabulous for Everybody, will hit the stands on April 18, spotlighting prefab homes across the United States and Canada, including those built with SIPs. Open Newsletter
Expanded Energy Efficient Tax Deduction Increased to as Much as $5 per Sq Ft
Mar 23, 2023 - Starting January 1, 2023, expanded tax deductions, equaling up to $5 a square foot, are available for new and existing energy-efficient building projects as part of The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The tax deduction is available for new and existing nonprofit, government and commercial building projects that achieve specific energy efficiency goals and ASHRAE standards. Open Newsletter
SIPA's 2023 Building Excellence Awards SIPA
Mar 9, 2023 - This industry accolade considers all aspects of energy performance technology and creative design. Open Newsletter
Mariposa Meadows — A SIP Sustainability Story
Feb 24, 2023 - The Mariposa Meadows VISION house is a three-building complex high in Colorado's remote Gunnison National Forest. This compound was designed and built to stringent eco-conscious and zero-waste standards, navigating each building phase with 11 core tenets: energy efficiency, renewables, water and resource conservation, indoor air quality, smart technology, durability, resilient housing, multifunctional living spaces, onsite food production, indoor/outdoor living and wildlife protection. Open Newsletter
GBM Announces the 2023 Green Home of the Year Awards!
Feb 9, 2023 - Green Builder Media's 2023 Green Home of the Year winners have been announced and SIPA is delighted to see this Oak Harbor, Washington residence awarded the Mainstrem Green award. The seven recognized projects are judged on several criteria, including being environmentally friendly, well constructed, energy efficient and creatively designed. It's no surprise that SIPs, a time-tested, sustainable and very resilient building envelope material, is recognized year after year. Open Newsletter
NAHB's Jerry Rouleau Awards Showcased at IBS
Jan 26, 2023 - The International Builders’ Show is around the corner and NAHB will be recognizing the Jerry Rouleau Awards for Excellence in Home Design in the Building Systems Councils' Learning Lounge. There were three award-winning SIP projects in 2022. Details on each project are available by clicking on the images pictured here or you can visit the Learning Lounge at IBS. View all 2022 award winners. Open Newsletter
SIPA's Building Excellence Awards Application Deadline is Near!
Jan 12, 2023 - The Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA) is hosting the twentieth-first Annual Building Excellence Awards to recognize association members that build exemplary projects using structural insulated panels (SIPs). The competition allows SIPA members to showcase their best work while demonstrating the design flexibility, sustainability and energy efficiency possible with SIP construction. Open Newsletter
26 issues.