2020 Newsletters
2020 Building Excellence Awards — Residential Look Book
Dec 31, 2020 - The entries are in and judges are judging. Now you can view the various residential projects submitted for consideration. Commercial Look Book featuring all commercial projects will be included in the Feb. 27 issue of the SIPA SelectSIPs News. Open Newsletter
50% Off, Looking for a Gift for the Designer or Builder on Your List?
Dec 17, 2020 - Cut Labor Costs by 55% with SIPs — A data-packed brochure with charts comparing the labor costs of SIPs vs. traditional stickframe construction. Open Newsletter
SIP Home Defines 'What It means to be Zero Energy Ready'
Dec 3, 2020 - This classic, barn-styled home fused with contemporary interior design recently earned two of the most prestigious U.S. building accolades. Built in Long Island by SIPA member P3 Builder Group, Inc., the Way Back Barn boasts a Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) award from the Department of Energy (DOE) as well as the highest-level Emerald certification to the ICC-700 National Green Building Standard (NGBS). Open Newsletter
SIPA Contributes to the Solution Summit for the Housing Crisis
Nov 19, 2020 - The Solution Summit for the Housing Crisis focuses exclusively on sharing innovations, strategies, examples, and models of what can be done to rapidly and economically respond to both the immediate eviction/foreclosures crisis and the underlying system problems. These sessions don’t spend time repeating things you know about the problems. This summit is about solutions. Open Newsletter
Newly Credentialed AIA CE/HSW: SIP Building Online Courses
Nov 5, 2020 - 10 Building Education with SIPs Training (BEST) online video courses have been reviewed and approved by the AIA and are now available for AIA Health, Safety, Welfare (HSW) CEU credits. Open Newsletter
SIPs Equivalent to Light-frame Shear Walls for All Seismic Categories
Oct 22, 2020 - Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are a viable, energy-efficient, cost-effective option for commercial and residential buildings. Until recently, acceptance of SIPs has been hindered by the lack of systematic evaluation of lateral load performance in wall applications. Open Newsletter
The DOE Tour of Zero — SIP Homes Sweep Awards
Oct 8, 2020 - The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Housing Innovation Awards recognize the very best in innovation on the path to Zero Energy Ready Homes. Housing Innovation Award winners are selected for each of five categories — custom buyer, custom spec, production, multifamily, and affordable homes. Five of the top projects were SIP built, two of which by SIPA members Ferrier Custom Homes and TC Legend Homes. Open Newsletter
Colman SIP Project Wins 2020 DOE Housing Innovation Award
Sep 24, 2020 - The Colman Project is a 2,938 sq. ft. residence, built by Ferrier Custom Homes, designed as a meeting place for friends and family. In this home, traditional mid-century modern style meets solar power, SIP roof panels, and passive solar design. Energy efficiency combines with elements that promote healthy indoor air quality — which is especially important for the homeowner, who has asthma. Open Newsletter
Walls & Ceilings September Issue — SIPs and Healthy Buildings
Sep 10, 2020 - With many in the building and design industries similarly finding themselves at home during the unprecedented economic climate, professionals are likely looking at the walls, ceilings and interior environments of their own residences with new eyes. Open Newsletter
Walls & Ceilings Magazine, Subscribe for FREE, Read About SIPs!
Aug 27, 2020 - Walls & Ceilings is the premier industry publication written specifically for architects and contractors. Open Newsletter
EEBA and Team Zero Join Forces for Zero-Impact Construction
Aug 13, 2020 - The new expanded alliance between EEBA and Team Zero is supported by SIPA. Open Newsletter
FREE Webinar: Zero is the Future of Housing ...
Jul 30, 2020 - Register today for a free webinar, "Zero is the Future of Housing ... And No Extra Cost if Optimized", presented by Sam Rashkin, Chief Architect, U.S. DOE Building Technologies Office, sponsored by the Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA). Open Newsletter
It's Show and Tell Time Again, Let's See Your Projects
Jul 16, 2020 - 2021 NAHB Building Systems Councils Jerry Rouleau Awards and SIPA 2021 Building Excellence Awards Submissions Open Newsletter
Zero Energy Residential Inventory Now Open
Jul 2, 2020 - Team Zero is embarking on its 5th annual Zero Energy Residential Buildings Inventory in the US and Canada Open Newsletter
Builders Learn More About SIPs — The Checklist, Part 1
Jun 18, 2020 - SIPs are used to design high-performance building envelopes offering energy performance beyond conventional framing. Open Newsletter
FREE Virtual Conference from the DOE
Jun 4, 2020 - This annual event is an opportunity for partners and key stakeholders to explore emerging technologies, share innovative strategies, and market leadership in energy and water efficiency. Open Newsletter
How to Cost Effectively Build Zero Energy Homes — SIPs Can Help
May 21, 2020 - Join EEBA and Earth Advantage for this webinar series on affordable Zero Energy (ZE) home design and construction. Learn how to eliminate common barriers to Zero Energy (ZE) home construction, benefit from the rapid trend towards ZE, and earn a "Zero Energy Builder" designation. Open Newsletter
Commercial Design with Structural Insulated Panels
May 7, 2020 - This one-hour course discusses the benefits of commercial building design with structural insulated panels (SIPs), including energy savings, waste minimization and other sustainable contributions. The designer will gain a better understanding of how to properly utilize SIPs. Open Newsletter
Riding Out The Storm — Webinar and e-Book Sponsored by SIPA
Apr 23, 2020 - Award-winning journalist and building science expert Matt Power, editor-in-chief of Green Builder Media, explores the latest threats and solutions available that can make homes tougher, less flood-prone and more fire resistant. All areas in which SIPs have proven to excel. Open Newsletter
Demystifying Zero — AIA Credit Available (Sponsored by SIPA)
Apr 9, 2020 - A sustainable future for Earth's 9 billion human inhabitants involves energy efficent buildings. Consider that buildings in the U.S. account for over 40 percent of carbon emissions and 75% of electricity consumption. Scientists say environmental conditions are reaching a critical stage. That is why a "Zero Energy Buildings Imperative" must be our new reality. Open Newsletter
SIPA 2020 Building Excellence Awards — Bryant Residential Loft
Mar 26, 2020 - The Bryant Residential Loft project in Minneapolis, MN, is a full 3,410 sq. ft. 4th floor addition to an existing 3 story masonry building. The entire loft structure is supported by a steel frame on top of the existing timber columns and masonry walls of the building below it. 10" SIP panels in the floor & roof and 6-1/2" SIP wall panels manufactured by Energy Panel Structures (EPS), create a sustainable and energy efficient building envelope. Open Newsletter
SIPA 2020 Building Excellence Award Winners Announced
Mar 12, 2020 - Over 55 SIP projects were submitted for consideration for the 2020 Building Excellence Awards announced on March 3, 2020 at the SIPA Annual Meeting and SelectSIPs EXPO in Phoenix, Arizona. Open Newsletter
Commercial SIPs Look Book — 2020 Building Excellence Awards
Feb 27, 2020 - The entries are in and judges are judging. Now you can view the various commercial projects submitted for consideration. Open Newsletter
2020 Building Excellence Awards — Residential Look Book
Feb 13, 2020 - The entries are in and judges are judging. Now you can view the various residential projects submitted for consideration. Commercial Look Book featuring all commercial projects will be included in the Feb. 27 issue of the SIPA SelectSIPs News. Open Newsletter
HUD Secretary, Ben Carson, Visits SIPA at IBS in Las Vegas
Jan 30, 2020 - SIPA has had a long history with HUD since the early 2000s and received a grant from HUD that led to SIPs being included in the IRC (International Residential Code) in 2007 Open Newsletter
Put on Your IBS Face ... The Event is Less Than a Week Away!
Jan 16, 2020 - "Why Smart Builders use SIPs - What you Need to Know" A learning opportunity sponsored by SIPA with presentations by Lee Bergum, Energy Panel Structures and SIPA President; and Damian Pataluna, FischerSIPS and SIPA Vice President. Learn the ins-and-outs of SIP construction and walk away with an easy to use checklist for your first SIP project. Open Newsletter
SIPs is One of 'Six Ways Construction is Changing'
Jan 2, 2020 - From the editors of Green Builder Magazine comes a concise look at the latest, greatest innovations changing how homes and multifamily projects are built. From weather barriers to SIPs, utility programs to whole-house air purification that can address urban smog, we look at the how and why of building today. Open Newsletter
27 issues.