For Builders

Product Guide to Structural Insulated Panels

Product Guide to Structural Insulated Panels

A comprehensive overview of Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs).  This 24-page brochure quantifies how SIPs save time and energy and includes design/construction considerations, load tables, and connection details.

Brochure developed by APA - The Engineered Wood Association in conjunction with SIPA.


Building with SIPs: NEED TO KNOW

Building with SIPs: NEED TO KNOW

This document was created specifically for builders by the manufacturing members of the Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA). It highlights important considerations during the construction phase of a structural insulated panel (SIP) structure. Decades of combined knowledge from SIPA manufacturers will help reduce the learning curve and leverage SIPs’ exceptional qualities to achieve the high-performance results owners expect when building with SIPs. The content provides a common industry platform for SIP construction. SIPA hopes to make your building process easier and more efficient. 

Click here for the FREE PDF version of Building with SIPs: NEED TO KNOW.


General Do's and Don'ts for Handling and Installing SIPs

General Do's and Don'ts for Handling and Installing SIPs

Topics: General Principles, Handling and Storage, Assembly, Weather Details and Interior Comfort.

SIPs are simple to use.  You can order pre-cut structural insulated panels that arrive onsite ready to set in place.  Stand them up, fasten them properly, seal all the joints, and in a few days your new house is ready for finish work.  To help you get the most satisfaction from your SIP experience, the Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA) has put together this list of tips and suggestions so you'll get the best performance from your SIPs.

Click here for the FREE PDF version of the General Do's and Don'ts brochure.


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