West Fraser
West Fraser is an international producer of wood-based panels with $1.6 billion in U.S. assets. We have 17 plant locations in the United States, Europe and Canada.
We manufacture OSB in the United States, Canada and Europe. In addition, we manufacture MDF, particleboard and furniture in Europe.
Fast Facts
Based in Toronto, Canada
Common shares listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (OSB:TSX and the New York Stock Exchange (OSB:NYSE))
Number of employees: 2,600
15 OSB mills
1 MDF (medium density fibreboard) mill
2 particleboard mills
1 furniture plant
Applied Technology
West Fraser technology group of scientists and engineers support our US, Canadian and European operations, contributing to our competitive strength in process and reliability improvement, product development and technology transfer.
West Fraser technology staff is often found at various production facilities working as a team with mill personnel.