When you claim to have a superior product, providing evidence is a requirement. The studies and experiments conducted with SIPs continue to generate proof showcasing this leading-edge choice among building products.
The reality of market trends and building science is that expectations change. Codes are updated, advancements are made, homeowners desire improved features; and despite these factors, SIPA corroborates with building science experts and agencies to ensure structural insulated panels meet and exceed standards while building for the future. SIPA maintains several technical bulletins and resources that substantiate SIPs being a safer choice when compared to other materials on the market.
SIPA added two new technical bulletins to the website this past month. These studies and other SIPA brochures are available for free digital download. Whether it be natural elements, extreme temperatures or becoming prone to pests, SIPs meet and surpass building standards. SIPs are a uniquely superior choice when considering sustainability and healthy benefits coupled with labor and time. Occupants and builders alike can breathe easy knowing their structure considers quality airflow, withstanding natural disasters and environmental impact.
The Latest Technical Bulletins
Summary: This technical bulletin illustrates the detailed experiments evaluating the performance of SIP shear walls with respect to light frame wood panels and seismic equivalency criteria. The study results confirm that SIP shear walls with varying aspect ratios met all standard equivalency requirements.
SIPA Technical Bulleting 12 - Design of SIP Shear Walls with Openings
Summary: There are three methodologies used to evaluate wood frame shear wall design. All three methodologies for the design of shear walls and openings permit the use of SIPs. A SIP shear wall designed using any of the three methodologies can have wall segments with aspect ratios up to 3:1 when applying the shear capacity limitations for segments with aspect ratios exceeding 2:1.
Structural insulated panels provide an innovative, time-effective solution to the ever-increasing building standards of today. SIPA understands the importance in evidence demonstrating the durability of SIPs. Make time to explore the numerous technical bulletins and brochures assisting SIP experts with their building choices today. For additional technical bulletins, visit sips.org. For more informationon on national standards and the archive on material studies, visit the United Stated Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) website.