Project: Attic Retrofits Using Nailbase Insulated Panels:
Retrofit of attics in older existing homes can help improve energy savings and occupant comfort. For some attic types the process is simple - air seal and add insulation at the ceiling, but for many older attic types improvements are more challenging.
The primary goal of this project is to develop and demonstrate a value-added roof/attic retrofit solution using nailbase insulated panels for a range of older homes where traditional attic insulation approaches are not effective or feasible.
Enable improvements to energy efficiency, comfort, and durability for a large population of older homes by providing integrated strategies for retrofitting attics using nailbase insulated panels.
Key Idea/Takeaway
Prefabricated panels provide added insulation and structural nailbase backing for roofing, and their installation can be integrated during a re-roofing effort
Home Innovation Research Labs
Lead: Dave Mallay
Partners: SIPA, ACC, FPL, APA, IBHS, Manufacturers, Contractors
Types of attics in older homes not suitable for standard “pile-on insulation” upgrades (typical location of existing insulation is shown; insulated panels are not shown)
(1) Cathedral Ceiling:
(2) Habitable Attics:
(3) Storage/Equipment:
A single solution can be employed to help transform these attics and ultimately the house into a better performing system using prefabricated nailbase insulated panels.
Nailbase Insulated Panels consist of rigid foam insulation laminated to a wood structural panel
Visit the U.S. Department of Energy "Building America" website for more information