Larry's Home Designs
Design Professional
"Harness the Power of the Larry's Home Designs Guarantee for Your Peace of Mind"
Question: What truly makes our service so different?
Answer: Larrys Home Designs is the industry's exclusive provider of the "Double-Accuracy" Home Design Guarantee.
"Our 20+ years of custom planning expertise, continuing education, and a passion for detail results in a minimum 97% first-time building permit approval. We work hard to provide a comfortable platform of clear & relevant design insight, professionalism, open and helpful communication, a family-friendly atmosphere, and flexible office hours. This smoothly bridges client desires with contractor requirements for an optimal, worry-free design and building experience." - Larry Stauffer, Founder
Guaranteed "Double-Accuracy": 1. Any design changes required by a builder after construction begins due to design error; and 2. Any plan changes necessary for permit approval after the 2nd submission due to our error, are completely free.
Unearth the not-so-mysterious truth surrounding the 7 Foundational Pillars of Larrys Home Designs service. (read more, click here: